How to Prep: Talking Head Interview
It’s a pre-recorded interview which means it’s very forgiving and answers that don’t work get discarded. It can take a few minutes to get adjust to the lights and feel comfortable so a practice is always welcome and simply slowing down and keeping your answers short is best approach.
Repeating the Question.
Commonly the interviewer is removed from a talking head interview and so repeating the question in your answer will help to give your response context.
For example: ‘What was your first car?’ ‘My first car was a Nissan Micra’ rather than just stating ‘a Nissan Micra’
Take Your Time
You don’t need to answer straight away, especially if you are unsure. Take a second to think about the point you want to make and keep it simple, if it needs more depth then your interviewer will ask you to elaborate but the most important thing is to trust the process and understand you don’t need to give complex answers.
Expanding the Answer.
The best thing for the editor is multiple takes of the same question so they have some options in the edit room. We will want to get more than one take even if you nail it, so don’t be offended!
Pausing Before and After
Pausing at the start and end of your answers will help provide clean cutting points. It is easy to forget but pausing and smiling to begin your answer will significantly help the editing process and improve the look of your interview. When you have finished your answer (even if it’s not gone to plan) always finish with a relaxed pause.
Body Language
It is easy to be immersed in the task of answering questions but leaning, slouching or fidgeting is never a good look and your body language will have an affect on the way your answers land or can distract the viewer. Smiling is also an easy way to improve the atmosphere and keep the viewer engaged.
Avoid Jargon and Acronyms
Keep it simple, imagine you are explaining it to someone who is unfamiliar with the subject. If the topic needs more details then build up to it in stages. This will help keep your answers concise which is really important and it will also give the editor much more to work with.
Revising Your Topic
Pre-written answers are not helpful for a video talking head and can actually be disruptive as it won’t feel natural unless you’re a talented actor. We suggest revising your subject matter so it is fresh in your mind.
We hope these little tips help, its important to feel comfortable and we will do everything we can to ensure we get the best out of your takes. We understand it not at all a natural thing to do, you will make mistakes but they will be cut out and only the best bits used. Usually the longer you are in the interview, the more comfortable you will feel and its very likely you will enjoy the experience and love the finished product.
If you have any questions about your talking head interview then please email: